Huge fire in a glass house in Bhairahawa, property worth Rs 50 million gutted
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BUTWAL: Sundar Glass House in Bhairahawa was set ablaze by an accidental fire last night at 9 PM. The fire had been burning all night and was finally put out today morning at around 5. The fire was taken under control after almost eight hours with the efforts of more than 15 fire trucks.
According to Superintendent of Police, Manoj KC who is the chief of Rupandehi Police, the fire is now under control. Police have suspected an electrical short circuit could have caused the fire.
The fire has burned down a two storied house as well as a large warehouse of plywoods. The security forces with the help of locals were also able to save a family living on the upper floor of the house as soon as the fire broke out. According to Sundar Agrahari, the owner of the house, and the operator of the plywood warehouse, more than Rs 50 million worth of property was damaged in the fire.
The fire was finally put out with the help of Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Nepal Army and locals, who worked throughout the night. Fire trucks from the adjacent districts like Kapilavastu and Nawalparasi arrived at the scene after fire trucks from Bhairahawa, Butwal, Sainamaina, Lumbini, Gautam Buddha International Airport and Nepal Oil Corporation failed to ease the raging fire.
According to the locals involved in controlling the fire, the fire took a long time to come under control due to the lack of awareness and disaster management from the local levels. In addition, a fire truck that arrived at the scene was not even filled with water, while other fire trucks arrived too late.
Locals said that the fire which took place at the glass house situated in the middle of a populated settlement, increasing the risk of the fire spreading to other buildings. However, the locals and the security personnel were finally able to douse the fire.