DDC Jhapa ready to solve the problems regarding Tea Production
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Jhapa: In a public hearing program organized by National Tea and Coffee Board, regional office, District coordination Jhapa has been given the role of coordination.
In the program organized on Sunday, the chief guest and president of Jhapa coordinating committee Somnath Portel, informed that there have been lots of complaints and dissatisfactions among the farmers and producers.
‘It is very essential to discuss the issues of cost, expenses and quality of tea and coffee in policy level’, he says.
Speaking in the program the Mayor of Birtamode municipality, Dhurba kumar Siwakoti said, ‘there have been many issues in terms of price, expenses and quality of tea and coffee production and the only way to address these challenges is to formulate policies from the state level. I am also one of the tea producers so I know the problems in this profession well.’
Other stakeholders like Kendra Prasad Limbu, the vice president of regional board, Bhojraj Shrestha, the member of National Tea and Coffee Development Board, Rajendra Kharel, the officer of Agricultural office, Lok nath Dangal from Nepal Tea and Coffee Corporation, Purna Karki the Central President of Small Farmers Jhapa Tea Professionals and vice president Prithvi Narayan Karki and the member of the Indian Tea Board, Sahil Singh Saha have all stressed the seriousness of government in addressing these problems in the policy level.
According to an official of the board, Dev Kumar Rai, ‘among 11,443 hectors of land in Jhapa, Jhapa alone has the tea plantation extended in 7965 hectors of land.