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PCR report mandatory to cast vote in National Assembly by-election

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KATHMANDU: A PCR test report carried out within the past 72 hours is required to vote in the National Assembly by-elections.

The Election Commission (EC) on Sunday approved the health security criteria for the by-elections to the National Assembly and made the PCR report mandatory for voters to furnish the report before casting their votes in the by-elections.

According to the EC, this health standard will be followed in the by-elections of the National Assembly to be held on May 20 in Bagmati Province and on May 30 in Lumbini Province. As per the health standards approved by the Commission, a health desk with two health workers will be set up at the polling station.

“The PCR report of the test carried out within 72 hours before entering the polling station and polling booth has been made mandatory,” said Raj Kumar Shrestha, spokesperson of the EC. “Necessary arrangements have been made for COVID infected voters to vote from another location. People present at the site will have to mandatorily wear PPE,” he said.

According to the criteria, staff, security personnel, observers, candidates and voters will have to maintain a distance of at least two meters. The polling officer will have to disinfect the polling station along with materials used after 25 voters cast their votes.

The EC has stated that an ambulance with health equipment will be provided at the polling station in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Population.

Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa and Chandra Bahadur Khadka, who joined the CPN-UML after being elected as members of the National Assembly from the CPN (Maoist) center, were dismissed from the post of National Assembly lawmakers after they chose to join the UML. Accordingly, by-elections will be held in Bagmati and Lumbini for one vacant post each in both the provinces.


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